Corporate work – yes or no?

What’s the truth about working in a corporate? How to survive in the corporate world? Who can be found in this work? We provide advice for job-seeking graduates.

Large companies are often considered boring and uninteresting in the eyes of young people. Currently, the one who works in a startup is said to be cool. The truth is that many can’t imagine what working in a corporate – or shared service center – actually looks like. Others don’t even know what service centers are. Young students in particular have misconceptions and are often surprised to find that the centers offer a wide range of jobs with a really diverse content of work and countless benefits. So how is it?

11 things I learned working in corporate America

The myth of working in a corporate company

All-day tapping on your computer. Infinite filling in Excel tables. A non-privacy room where you share a table with several people. These are the most common interpretations of young people when you ask them to work in a corporation. Those young people who haven’t worked for most of the corporation just “heard about it.” But what can a person who has such an experience tell you?
first and foremost, a job that will help you learn an awful lot. Find out what suits you and where you can’t see yourself. Because larger companies have many departments, you have a chance to try a variety of jobs and find yours. So move from customer support or data analysis to marketing, logistics, accounting or project management. Many corporations have established internal rotation programs in which you can try out what it looks like in another center or department, which you can use, for example, when you want to change jobs.

In shared service centers, you can also take the opportunity to learn new skills and gain professional qualifications – each corporation offers its employees free training in many areas. The possibility of training within working hours and at someone else’s expense sounds quite nice, doesn’t it?

Other corporate benefits

The bigger the company, the more departments and employees it has. This logically means that you will meet a lot of clever and interesting people, whether in your department or in another department – because it is very likely that you will work with several departments at once. Many of them will not be located in Slovakia, not even in Europe. It is quite possible that on a daily basis you will communicate with a colleague in Brazil or your boss will be based in the United States. You will become part of a larger community. And who knows, you may be sent here and there on a business trip or you may receive an offer to relocate to another country.

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With teams of people from different countries working in corporations, you can be sure that your level of English (and any other language you come in contact with) will improve. Since sometimes you will need to communicate with a colleague who lives in a different time zone, you will be able to work from home. Flexible working hours are one of the main benefits that corporate employees cannot afford.

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